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Industrial properties are not as glamorous as other types of real estate investments. With the rise of the digital era, more companies are now shifting their focus to building an online presence. However, this does not spell the end of the industrial space. In fact, many of the most dominant online companies’ still need storage and distribution centers. Here is a quick look at the most common types of industrial properties.


At the basic level, a manufacturing industrial property is a building where companies manufacture products or assemble goods. However, some plants are far more high-tech and contain multiple components according to what a company manufactures. For example, some companies manufacture heavy-duty products or goods and require thousands of square feet to produce their products. They often use high-tech equipment and employ hundreds, if not thousands, of employees. Companies often use smaller manufacturing properties for light assembly, storage and distribution.

Warehouse Distribution

Manufacturing properties are where companies make their products while warehouse distribution properties are where companies store and distribute their goods. The three most common types of warehouse properties are distribution, general-purpose and trucking. Companies use distribution properties to ship their goods. General-purpose properties are primarily used to store products. Trucking is strictly for transportation. Also known as trucking terminals, these properties are where companies transfer their goods from one mode of transportation to another.

Flex Properties

As the name implies, companies use these properties as multi-purpose facilities. Flex properties are popular among research and development companies, tech companies, and companies who need manufacturing and office space in one building. Most flex industrial properties feature high-end, upscale finishes with immaculate landscaping and luxury amenities for employees. The term “flex” refers to a company’s ability to adjust their property based on their needs.

Telecom/Data Centers

These highly-specialized properties power large and complex computer servers and telecommunications equipment. Most of these properties are close to communication centers with large power supplies. The properties house heavy-duty computer and electrical equipment and often contain extensive cable systems.

Biotech Industrial Properties

Companies use biotech properties to store chemicals, conduct laboratory experiments or test biological matter. These properties require specialized plumbing with specific water distribution requirements. Some properties require specific dust and humidity control with accurate temperatures and heavy power.